Organisational Structure
The Organizational structure of the RIE Bhopal is as follows:

- To act as resource centre for conducting research, training and development of school education and teacher education.
- To prepare quality teachers and teacher educators at all levels of school education. This is done through various pre-service courses i.e. four year integrated B.Sc. B.Ed., B.A.B.Ed., two year B.Ed., one year M.Ed. and Diploma in Guidance and Counselling, and in-service teacher training programmes conducted throughout the year.
- To undertake pilot studies and research projects on all aspects of school education.
- To conduct in-service training programmes for teachers, teacher educators, supervisors and administrators concerned with school education and according to the needs of the States/Union Territories of the region.
- To provide necessary help to the state agencies concerned with school education.
- To act as support system for institutions like SCERTs/ DIETs/ CTEs/ IASEs/ Block Education Centres in the western region
- To produce instructional material for school education.
- To advise state departments of education on policies and programmes related to various aspects of school education.
- To act as monitoring and co-ordination agency for effective implementation of centrally sponsored schemes in the field of school education. For example at present, RIE Bhopal is monitoring institute of SSA and RMSA for the State of Chhattisgarh.
- To provide consultancy services and extension programmes at national and international level.