Department Of Education

The Department of Education provides training inputs into the pre-service teacher education programmes to meet the professional education components. The faculty members have specialization in the areas of educational psychology, educational technology, health and physical education, art education, population education, curriculum and evaluation, school management, teaching skills and strategies and teaching of physical science, biological science and mathematics.The department also undertakes major responsibilities in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of centrally sponsored programmes.

Several individual and collaborative research projects are undertaken by the faculty in the areas of population education, teacher education, educational technology, science education, mathematics education, special education, education of the scheduled tribes, women’s education and educational psychology.

Most of its faculty members are registered by the Barkatullah University, Bhopal for guiding doctoral research leading to Ph.D. in education and are currently engaged in guiding doctoral students in several areas of research.

The department has a fully equipped Psychology laboratory for imparting training in conducting experiments in psychology and developing the skills required for administering and interpreting psychological tests of different kinds. The Laboratory provides support to the research activities undertaken by its faculty members and extend guidance and counseling services.

Special Education is one of the thrust areas of the Institute. In-service teacher education programmes for school teacher are offered by the department for the education of children of different disabilities. Several instructional, diagnostic research activities are undertaken in the area of special education.


  1. Dr. B. Ramesh Babu, Professor, Head, DE
  2. Dr. Ratnamala Arya, Professor
  3. Dr. I. B. Chughtai, Professor
  4. Dr. N. C. Ojha, Professor
  5. Dr. Ayushman Goswami, Professor
  6. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale, Associate Professor
  7. Dr. Saurabh Mishra, Associate Professor
  8. Dr. Manju, Associate Professor
  9. Dr. Pavan Kumar, Assistant Professor
  10. Dr. Triloki Prasad, Assistant Professor
  11. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor
  12. Dr. Jayant Shankar Borgaonkar, Assistant Professor
  13. Dr. Madhusundhanan P.V., Assistant Professor

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